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About The Harvest Moon Hippie

Hi, I'm Amanda.


A little over 10 years ago, I grew my first garden. It was really big, super disorganized and the production left a lot to be desired. But I was happy. The type of happiness you have when you find something you didn't even realize you'd been missing. 


For the next few years, I unknowingly played a little game. One where I would convince myself that I needed to continue working in an industry I hated, in towns I didn't like, with people whose values were very different than mine .... and I convinced myself I valued those things as well. The funny thing about games though, they eventually come to an end. And that ending happened to be in 2020.




Like many people, I found myself with the opportunity to pursue what made my heart happy. So, that year I dove into researching all things gardening, permaculture and herbal medicine. I decided to create a business. And my organic landscaping company was born. I am very proud of that business and I still currently run and operate it. But I longed to help people form the same skills I've been able to learn over the last decade. So I started teaching in-person classes.


These classes were so successful and the questions my clients had for me helped me learn even more and see the garden through a beginners eyes again. Over time, I started to be asked to teach classes further and further away. This helped to form my idea for digital classes with a zoom class option. And this website was born. 


It is my goal to help you find happiness and contentment in your day to day. And I think we can all do that by incorporating some slow and intentional moments into our lives. Whether that is growing food security, learning new skills, foraging or looking at pictures of cute baby goats, I hope you can find it here.


Everyone can learn these skills and I'd love to help you on your journey.

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